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IT Governance & IT Management

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IT Governance & IT Management

Digital transformation is the go-to strategy for success in today’s era of thriving online companies and services. The fast-moving digitization of business models and competitive innovation is now driving value creation for stakeholders.

As information and technology have now become the foundation of products and services, a solid structure to control and manage both has become critical.

Regulators, business leaders, and IT executives have all realized that the highest value can only be delivered if a company is well-governed and controlled.

In today’s world, because businesses depend on effective and efficient IT services, companies have emphasized the need for structured IT governance and management systems based on widely-accepted best practices such as COBIT, ITIL, and ISO 27001, among others. These frameworks address an organization’s governance as well as its service management.  

Nonetheless, there is a drawback.

IT Governance and IT Service Management are two concepts that are often used interchangeably. As a consequence, the scope and functions of both are misunderstood.

Despite the fact that terms are used interchangeably, in actuality, they cover two separate lines of business. As a result, it’s critical to know the definitions and distinctions between each word.

Let’s look at the two in clear terms:

  • The governance position of a company determines the strategic direction the company will take.
  • The management role brings this strategic direction into actions that move the company closer to the achievement of its strategic objectives.

When it comes to the IT Company and its administrators, governance is also no different. Those in charge of IT governance will examine how the organization’s overall governance aligns with its vision, mission, and objectives, as well as how the strategic direction taken within IT lines up with the overall business strategic plan.

What is IT Governance, and why is it important?

“The processes that ensure effective and efficient use of Information and Technology (I&T) in enabling an organization to achieve its goals,” – This is one of the most widely accepted meanings of IT governance.

IT governance is an element of enterprise governance that includes leadership aspects, organizational structures, and processes that facilitate the continuation and maintenance of an organization’s strategy and objectives.

IT governance additionally promotes the alignment of IT with organizational priorities and strategy, enhances compliance, minimizes IT risk, streamlines IT operations, and better performance visibility.

What is ITSM (Information Technology Service Management)?

IT service management (ITSM) refers to all of the activities that go into designing, planning, delivering, transitioning, and improving IT services.

ITSM is not just about the day-to-day incident management and service request fulfillment, and is often referred to as “IT support” or “service desk.”

By defining roles and responsibilities, rules, and procedures, an IT Service Management System will formalize all of your activities.

As a result, planning, design, and delivery become more structured. It also saves money by increasing predictability and providing actionable insights to help with decision-making.

What we are known for

Avosina IT has years of experience advising on IT governance and service management. Our consultants have assisted local and global organizations in achieving their objectives, from identifying their requirements to implementing solutions.

For more info, please contact us.

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